Frequency healing is not a new concept. In fact it has been used successfully in the 1920’s by Dr.Royal Rife to kill cancer cells and the AIDS Virus. Now that it is back and offered in different forms, frequency healing is helping people all over the world experience better health and vitality. How people are coming towards natural healing centers and receiving quality therapies and successful recoveries! Frequency healing has helped people to deal with many problems naturally.
This article will discuss how different frequencies can help restore balance in your body, which can improve your health by restoring vital functions, repairing cells, organs, or other parts of the body. By using a machine that emits these frequencies, you can heal yourself without any drugs or surgery while improving your general well-being.
The first section will talk about the importance of balancing our life’s energy through frequency healing techniques such as sound therapy or light therapy. The next section will introduce some common types of therapy that are used to heal certain parts of the body. Then, this article will explore how sensory therapy and massage can heal and harmonize your body and mind with different frequencies.
String Theory explains that everything in the universe is constantly vibrating, each with its own unique frequency; just as electrons vibrate while revolving around the nucleus of an atom, so do planets vibrate as they circle suns. As Einstein put it, “Everything in life is a vibration.” Accordingly, human beings have an optimal frequency, that is, a state where each of the cells in the human body are vibrating as they were designed to.
What is Frequency Healing?
Frequency healing uses hundreds of different frequencies to destroy numerous types of microorganisms (bacteria, phages, macrophages, viruses, fungus, mold, etc.). Each has their own unique frequency called a Resonant Frequency. True Rife therapy uses single frequencies to attack microorganisms, as well as pairs of frequencies, selected to resonate with one frequency specific to the micro-organism, while the other frequency is selected to increase the efficacy of the resonant frequency. This also increases communication of the cells. Along with matching the frequency used to destroy pathogens, frequency healing utilizing a RIFE machine also has the capability to match the frequency of healthy organs and tissues in the body to stimulate the rebuilding and repair of the human body. Dr. Rife found out that healthy organs and cells in the body have specific frequencies and that matching the frequency actually reawakens dormant or unhealthy cells in a person to start properly functioning. This brings rejuvenation and repair to cells that are in need of healing. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife was the inventor of the original Rife machine in the 1920’s, which was designed to resonate at specific frequencies used to destroy numerous microorganisms. The True Rife helps increase the body’s communication and ability to fight off different diseases, as well as rebuild, regenerate, and bring healing to different bodily systems and organs.
By increasing the intensity of a frequency, which resonated naturally with the microbes, Rife’s research indicated that if natural oscillations were increased, there was a threshold under which the microorganism was destroyed. This principle can be shown by using an intense musical note to shatter a wine glass: the molecules of the glass are already oscillating at some harmonic (multiple) of that musical note; they are in resonance with it. Because everything else has a different resonant frequency, nothing but the glass is destroyed.
True Rife therapy uses hundreds of different frequencies to destroy numerous types of microorganisms (bacteria, phages, macrophages, viruses, fungus, mold, etc.). Each has their own unique frequency called a Resonant Frequency. True Rife therapy uses single frequencies to attack microorganisms, as well as pairs of frequencies, selected to resonate with one frequency specific to the micro-organism, while the other frequency is selected to increase the efficacy of the resonant frequency. This also increases the communication of the cells.
Along with matching the frequency used to destroy pathogens, True Rife therapy also has the capability to match the frequency of healthy organs and tissues in the body to stimulate the rebuilding and repair of the human body. Dr. Rife found out that healthy organs and cells in the body have specific frequencies and that matching the frequency actually reawakens dormant or unhealthy cells in a person to start properly functioning. This brings rejuvenation and repair to cells that are in need of healing.
How ENSELE Utilizes Frequency Healing?
ENSELE offers our strongest frequency healing in our MOPA ( Master Oscillating Power Amplifier) room. During this therapy, the client relaxes in a private room with a frequency device close to the body. This device is specifically programmed for the client’s needs, whether it be liver, thyroid, parasites, gut health, cancer cells, etc. there are hundreds of programmable frequencies that can be used to treat the client. Information to accurately and effectively treat our client’s health needs is collected from their Bio-Scan.
Our hand-held frequency rental devices are also custom programmed based on the client’s Bio-Scan results to provide convenient on-the-go, daily frequency healing.
What is Meta therapy?
In short, unhealthy cells or organs emit altered electromagnetic waves and that changing these waves back to normal, via a process called “Meta-Healing” can minimize the damaging effects of the potential pathogen and promote healing in the body. This is the basis of Bioresonance Biofeedback Therapy.
What is Remote Therapy?
Discoveries made in quantum physics have revealed that all particles of matter share the characteristics of both waves and particles. This means that all substances, and therefore all cells in all parts of the body, as well as viruses, bacteria, pollen, toxins, etc. emit electromagnetic waves. Depending upon their nature, all substances have their specific wavelength or frequency with highly individual characteristics. This is known as a frequency pattern which can be detected by our Bioresonance scanning technology.
Bio-resonance Meta therapy works remotely using your DNA. It analyzes the energy in your body with great detail and precision. A gentle, restorative energy is then applied, working with your body to improve health in those specific areas.
It is non-invasive and completely pain-free. However, sensitive individuals may experience tingling in the area of the body being scanned. It also recognizes and helps combat bacterial, viral, parasitic and fungal infections, many of which go undetected in our lives but can significantly impact health.
For our providers, this is extremely useful in understanding what is going on inside the body as a whole and how different systems are affecting each other
What Does a Frequency Healing Session Look Like?
(Meta Therapies & Mopa)
Frequencies are delivered to the body comfortably and effortlessly via sophisticated computer protocols. Qualified practitioners help select programs specifically targeted to the individual, allowing for maximum effectiveness and therapeutic effect. Clients are seated in a comfortable chair or can choose to lie down as well. They can read, eat or drink, carry on conversations, visit with a friend, rest, etc. during the treatment. Cell phones and jewelry must be removed so as not to interfere with the frequencies being generated by the individual programs. The length of the program varies according to the condition being targeted. Your practitioner can tell you in advance how long your specific session will last.
How Can You Do Meta Therapies Remotely?
Telemedicine and distance healing using quantum bioresonance machines can be done with a picture or a patient’s DNA like hair or nails etc.
How Can Distance Healing Work?
Distance healing works best if the patient is open and receptive to the healing process.
The power of intention of the practitioner and the patient plays a big role in the process of healing. Quantum bioresonance and biofeedback machines can identify the person by the practitioner’s intention, a digital picture of the person’s DNA (hair, blood, nail samples, date of birth and name ). Just like humans can locate a person by looking up the address or recalling a person’s looks.
Patients’ oscillations (unique characteristics) can be recorded by the Quantum Bioresonance system from a palm if the person is present as well. Even pets can be balanced by this machine by using cat or dog hair or urine or other waste matter or DNA.
Later the system’s databases will be searched for relevant frequencies or homeopathic remedies or other forms of vibrational and electromedicine to conduct balancing sessions.
Once a client is in the quantum bioresonance database the healing frequencies generated by the machine can be transmitted anywhere at any time. This person can be put on daily transmission frequencies at specific times intervals for a particular number of days for regular distance healing sessions.
Have you ever been thinking about someone when the phone rings and it was that person? Have you ever visited a place and had a sense of deja vu, like you had been there before but do not remember the trip? Have you ever felt someone staring at you and turned to find out it was true?
“According to quantum physics, we are part of a vast, invisible field of energy, which contains all possible realities and responds to our thoughts and our feelings. Think about it―every physical thing in our life is not solid matter but rather, fields of energy or frequency patterns of information. Every human being, along with every material thing in the Universe, broadcasts a distinct energy pattern, and this energy carries information. Quantum Entanglement Theory states that all humans and the quantum field are interconnected.”
RIFE (mini)
Quantum Frequency Healing addresses the bio-electrical aspects of health and wellness. Frequency is the term used to explain the rate at which all things vibrate. Cutting-edge technology matches frequencies of symptoms to support better health and uses the principles of quantum physics. A quantum sensor device called the mini rife (a small, wearable medical device that analyzes your individual frequency). The mini rife delivers customized specific frequency programs to promote bio-energetic balance, vitality, and overall well-being.
For more information on any one specific type of frequency, healings contact Ensele today! We will be happy to answer any questions about our services.