- All
- Addiction
- Alopecia
- Alzheimer's
- Amputation
- Anger Management
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Auto Immune
- Bipolar
- Brain Injury / TBI
- Cancer
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Digestive issues
- Eye Condition
- Fracture / Injury
- Headache / Migraines
- High Blood Pressure
- Lack of Energy / Fatigue
- Lack of Motivation
- Lupus
- MS / Parkinson's
- Memory
- Neuropathy
- Pain
- Parasites / Worms
- Sleep Issues
- Speech Problems
- Stress
- Stroke
- Thyroid
- Vaccination Injury / Covid
- Virus / Bacteria / Fungus
Shaun P.
Did you know over 40 million Adults struggle with Anxiety, but since the COVID-19 Pandemic there has been a 34% increase in Anxiety Medications? Many of us know the serious long-term and even short-term adverse effects that medications can have on the brain & body. Luckily, we help thousands come off medications and get to the root cause!
Shaun P.
Bente L.
I came from a broke home with parents that hated each other, I was neglected and abused, physically, mentally, emotionally. I followed my moms footsteps and I fell into drugs. I was taken advantage of by everyone who should have helped me. Raped, robbed, and sold into human trafficking. I was depressed, then something amazing happened. I got a call from the foundation for natural healing that had been sponsored. I got to speak to my sponsor prior to my first sessions. She was loving and comforting, having known selene many years prior. She suffered in way not different from me. Even within the first few times, I felt a relief, a deep healing like never before. I can’t explain it but I felt love, forgiveness, and understanding to life and its purpose. For the first time in my entire life. I am so grateful. I never took it for granted as I continue to share my experiences with Selene, The founder of ENSELE. Now I can proudly say I feel whole, I feel life purpose having finished nursing school and being able to hold down a job apartment and car. I continue to have tune-ups on occasions as life stressors get to me, but the transformation is real. I hope you hear my story and pay it forward to another person in need. Bless you!
Bente L.
Julian M.
I was diagnosed with ADHD at a very young age. It made schoolwork difficult, it made friends very difficult. It made homework very difficult. If you want to talk about ADHD, give me some tips. I was doing therapy as well, but nothing quite helped until I got off the medication, started having some difficulties and then I came to Selene here on ENSELE. We did the brainwave therapy totally just I’ve never had that moment of peaceful. Disassociation is what I would call it. It gave me a moment to really hone in to myself and just like. Okay, what the hell is going on upstairs? What can I sleep around here and figure out? And every time after I completely fell asleep in between. And when I woke up, I felt very refreshed. I felt focused on the drive back. I was noticing things, I was more alert. I wasn’t getting into the tendencies. I would forget a lot. That ceased to stop. That was just gone. All my depression, all my anxieties were just out of the way. It felt like my brain was rewired. It felt like if somebody just hit the refresh button. I’m going down the psychedelic route, I’m going down the pharmaceutical route. And nothing really has helped more than my time here on ENSELE. I’m also a boxer, so they also have an infrared sauna that’s available here and that helps a lot. Light therapy. When I was singing, if I have a sore throat, there is another event that we did together and I was out of whack. I’ve been drinking a night before. She was all closed up and she was like, I got you, don’t worry about it. She got this crazy looking white helmet. Which was also infrared. Threw it on me, threw it around my neck. Within 20 minutes everything was right back to my mouth. I was feeling amazing, feeling perfect and able to perform and do my best. Thank you Selene very much. Out of everything, out of all the remedies, out of somebody who’s been a patient, of everything in the book, this is the one thing that’s honestly granted me the most inner peace and honestly helped enable what’s going on with me. So thank you very much.
Julian M.
Sara G.
I am 35 years old and I’ve suffered from anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember, I grew up in a home where there was a lot of upset and loud voices. I was sent to my first therapy session when I was six years old. And when I was 16, my doctor started telling me that I needed to take antidepressants. I hated the way that the antidepressants made me feel. I was never able to find much relief with talk therapy or antidepressant. I’ve kind of thought that this is just the way that my life was going to be. And my anxiety and overthinking has caused me to have all kinds of issues, including struggles with addiction, but looking for relief and alcohol and marijuana has only compounded my feelings of anger and depression. I had my first session with saline three days ago, and I really can’t believe the difference in how I feel. I am so much more clear. I don’t feel as emotional my brain. Isn’t racing with thoughts of QI or guilt, self doubt, train wonder or worry. I was able to fall asleep without tossing and turning for hours and slept through the night as opposed to waking up three or four times. And when I woke up the next day, I didn’t feel the normal impending doom type healing I do. When I wake up, I was actually genuinely happy to wake up and get ready for my day. That’s just with one treatment. I go back to my second one this afternoon, and I’m so excited that I finally feel like I’m going to be able to start living my life, going to be able to feel normally.
Sara G.
Hilton K.
Klara C.
Hue S.
Hi, I’m Hue. I come to ENSELE for overall wellness. I just got brain optimization and it really helps with anxiety, gut issues and my sleep cycles as well. I have been coming down to Selene for about six months now, and it’s just really changed my life for the better. It’s awesome place. I highly recommend.
Hue S.
Lindsey M.
Hello, my name is Lindsey Maxtopoulos and I want to share with you my experience with ENSELE. They have been life savers for me. So I’ve been going there for a year and due to covid my life kind of got flip-flopped just like a lot of people’s has. I was living in Nashville for five years and then I lost my income so I moved back here to California. And once I moved back here to California, I felt hopeless, I felt lost. I was dealing with depression. I’m generally a holistic type natural person and I started going on depression medication and just drowning my sorrows with alcohol. I didn’t know what to do. I felt like it was doomsday with Covid. I’m a spiritual person. I go to church back in Nashville. ENSELE was there to save the day and I’ll forever be grateful for them. After two months I went off my depression, medication, my drinking went significantly down and I was feeling a sense of joy I haven’t feel in years. I have now started my own business and it has started to take off. I’m here to say, if any one is facing issues with Mental heath, Please Please go to ENSELE. Thank you so much.
Lindsey M.
James L.
Okay. As you remember, this is a very targeted, we basically are mirroring the brain back to itself, so the brain can balance and it looks like we have balance, which is great, cause this is your emotional load. So it really helps when your brain is, your emotions are balanced. So that’s really, really awesome. I’m a little also work on. I know that you’re excited. It’s kind of tense. So, I’m going to work on the temporals right. This where the brain works, is in charge of the autonomic functioning of your body, as well as do your response system. So when, for example, let’s say you have some sort of experience, the brain will react to it in a way of either fight or flight or freeze mode. We want the brain just to not feel like it’s under attack or, you know, it needs to survive. We want it to process more balanced so that you don’t go into either a fight or flight or freeze mode. This will help that. And this is also because of all the autonomic functioning of the body. This is what also regulates your sleep, as deep sleep is important for detoxing. And so we kind of get in temples in the balance today. It’s very important. So how do you feel now after how you had come in and compared to how you feel now on a scale from one to 10, 10 being the worst, It was time to do so much better. Right? Good, good work. All right. Coming up. So when I first got balanced, there was such a recognizable difference between how I felt before I came in and how I felt afterwards. I just, it was crushing and with, Yeah, no same knowledge jello, but no, it’s, the brain remembers the brain is a muscle, right? So you did all that work a couple of years ago, trained the brain, you know, to be in making a decisions, you motivations do behaviors, right. And then, you know, it’s like anything we need to maintain doesn’t mean we have to come every day or twice a week or any more, but a couple times a month to have some sort of maintenance or even a home device can be supportive of you during those times. But to, you know, when you have come back now, after such a long time of having your brain valve, the brain, whatever, you know, might’ve like got off track a little. So coming here, the brain remembers. So it’s actually quicker to get you back on track and get your brain back online. So it’s a beautiful, That makes sense. And having not been here for a while, I was crazy. I mean, I’m just happy to be back. Yeah.
James L.
Kieth J.
I’ve been coming to ENSELE for a few months now. Some of my best experiences have been with the lens treatment. I was actually experiencing anxiety at the time of the treatment and it was the one that took the least amount of time. It lasted about five minutes total. I immediately felt comfortable and they told me that I was going to feel a little tired afterwards. And within like 15 minutes, I literally had to take a nap. It really calmed me.
Some of the other treatments are the brain optimization. It really helped me a lot. I actually fell asleep for it. But it really seemed to have some positive effects on me. And then you know like the meditation music treatment, that one helped me a lot. I’ve come periodically for the last probably a year or so, but as far as like, just specifically this treatment, I came about a week ago for three days straight.
I go to a counselor, I pay for an hour and 15 minutes into it. They’re like, okay, see you next week. You know? And same thing, psychiatrists and things like that. They all, you know, it’s a 50 minute deal and they want to cut you off. I needed somebody that will listen to me for like eight hours. I can do that here at ENSELE. I plan to continue to come for treatment from time to time. And as it, especially if I have just a flare up of anxiety, you know, any given day or something like that, I would never hesitate to drive here from blue or not orange county. My anxiety is controlled now and I’m able to function in daily life. Obviously that’ll help with my relationship. It’ll help with my kids. It should be great.
Kieth J.
Karen G.
It’s Karen again, back after another lens session with Selene here at ENSELE in Calabasas, and I just had the treatment done. Today we’re focusing on my sleep apnea. Selene told me she could help me have less problems at sleep. She said that she’s helped other clients to decrease their sleep apnea and I am on board. So the other sessions I told you about my mild anxiety, depression, and ADHD, those were my main focus then, and will be in the future. I have lessened my medications. Haven’t gotten off them yet, but I’m more relaxed. And I’ll let you know more about the sleep apnea, but I’m not just doing this all for fun. I’m doing it as a serious client and to get serious treatments. And I’ll be very honest with you after each session.
Karen G.
Karen G.
Hello, my name is Karen, and I’m here to tell you about my lens treatment with Selene at ENSELE at Calabasas. I’m a regular client of hers in general, but I want to tell you about the lens treatment. The lens treatment has already helped me with my ADHD, mild anxiety and mild depression, which I’ve suffered all my life. It helped me relax. It helped me focus on the present and not think about the future. Not think about the past. It got me focused in a meditative state. I felt like I just came back from holiday. I felt better than taking medicine. This was a better feeling. I feel safe, secure, confident, and just something I want to do again. I am going to continue treatment on a regular basis and I will continue to update you each time.
Karen G.
Eileen T.
My name is Eileen and I came to ENSELE. It’s been about a year now. I have severe Arthritis and along with other many health issues. I am looking for just relief. I’ve been to doctors for so many years and they’ve been trying to help me with my pain and giving me medication and it just is making me sick. So it was “God sent” when I came here. I had problems with my knees, the inflammation, my ankles, I have it everywhere all over my body. So I was having problems going up and down my stairs, waking up in the morning. I was really stiff. I couldn’t move. After maybe about three treatments here at ENSELE, with the neuro optimal, I was able to do all that. I was just so happy and relieved that I was able to move. It’s just a miracle, honestly, because of the fact that, I was not getting help anywhere else. So my goal is to just take care of all this. I want it all gone and I know coming here, we’ll do that. I’ve been, I mean, I’m proof. I have pictures and proof of how big my knees get, and I haven’t had any issues since. I’m able to walk or I get up in the morning without any pain and it’s just great. And I look forward to continuing treatment here with her and everybody here is wonderful and I just can’t wait to see how far this will go. It would mean my life having my life back and being able to do just the simple things that people tend to take for granted on a daily basis, whether it’s just household chores, or feeling good enough to even go outside and go somewhere. It would mean the world to me to be able to do that and be able to get back and do things with my family and socialize and just be out there and enjoy life. Like I hope to do. And it would mean so much to be able to do that.
Eileen T.
Shelly J.
Hi, I’m Shelly. I started coming to ENSELE way about three years ago after my first dog passed away. Um, six months after she passed away, I started experiencing, um, anxiety, um, not super severe, but severe enough where it was disrupting my sleep. And, um, I was getting a lot of racing, thoughts, stuff like that. So I heard about Selene and did a free consult with Selene and came in and I started doing the neurofeedback and within two sessions, my anxiety was at least 60 to 70% better. Um, and I think I did about 10 sessions to begin with. And then when we started incorporating lens treatment and to this day, now I just do it for maintenance, like once a month or so, just the lens. And it’s been amazing. Like it’s been life-changing for me.
Shelly J.
Ocyris D.
Alright. Today is a very special day because oh, Cyrus has a balanced brain. We’re seeing 21 points in the brain. They’re all blue re uh, showing balanced in the brain. So let’s see how oh, Cyrus is feeling. How are you? Hi, great to have you. And I just wanted to tell everyone that, you know, you came in here for anxiety. Um, maybe you can say where you remember it being when you first came and where it is now. And then I’ll go to, I’ll go through the next, uh, list of the things that you saw improvements. So I would love to Pick anxiety if a scale from one to 10, 10 being the worst. So where were you before and where are you now? Okay. Anxiety. I was at 10. Okay. Yeah. Stressed about every single thing, including driving over to the wellness center to get here. Now I am probably at a six And then, uh, back pain Or pain back pain. I was like sushi. I actually had a problem with sciatica and had to go in and get, um, two months of therapy. And now it has not recurred so far, even when it threatens to feel like something is going to come on it like kind of like a cloud that clouds up, it can’t rain. It doesn’t go into the whole thing. It can’t do it. And stomach, Stomach still have some issues with stomach. When on scale of one to 10, it is way less. I’m probably at a five for stomach now versus 10 all the time. Good, good, good. And tonight, Tonight is completely gone just a teeny bit. And it’s only if something outside of my internal environment in my home triggers it like a loud noise or something that would be the ear would be sensitive to. And even then it doesn’t go into full flame anymore. It’s like way low, much, much lower. And you’re going to be having a test for your eyes soon. Look at glaucoma tests we’ve seen from our systems from the Metta therapy. We’ve seen improvements in your eye up to 92%. Um, so I’m excited for you to report back when you get those tests back, but do you feel, do you send some improvements in your eyes? Not only do I sense I can physically see the improvement, um, before on Sally’s treatment and before meeting my, uh, Mehta therapists, Celine I, and the rest of the staff here, I was suffering. I am a 69 year old vet next month and a Vietnam era. And I was suffering from numerous things. I had been diagnosed about eight years ago with a set of mental disorders, along with some physical things that were coming from just years of living a heightened, stressful lifestyle. Uh, by the time I got agreed to go to the BA, they had diagnosed me with a few things, and one of them was onset glaucoma. After going into the doctor, I knew that there was something wrong with my eyes, but I wasn’t completely blind and actually had 2020 vision upon their testing. They were concerned because my eye pressure was at 35. The normal pressure is somewhere around 18. Um, so super high. They questioned why I was in blind. My statement was because it was me. That’s why I love it. So after telling me that I had to go on a medication that involved a beta blocker, I’d never heard of a beta blocker. Didn’t know what it was. Um, I told them I would try it for a day that they know that I adamantly believe that in my records, I don’t believe in using anything inorganic to treat illness or conditions. And the doctor said, okay, so I tried it for a couple of days. It made me deathly ill. As a matter of fact, my heart felt like it was stopped. I mean, it felt I couldn’t do it. So I call my doctors at the VA declined to using it any further, still sitting in my refrigerator, I’m going to throw it away and, um, told them that I would find doctors that really cared about me and that I wanted to get, well, I need my eyes, you know, and I’m a painter, a writer and all that. So definitely need my eyes. Anyone would. And so I picked up the phone, this is the honest truth. And, um, went on, Google, looked for an iridologist in near me. And it brought up the Unsullied center. The word on slay captured my attention. It sounded calming and soothing. When I saw Selene’s name, my neighbors name had been serene. And I thought, oh, it sounds serene, but it’s saline. And so, because of the vibe I felt I call them. And the moment I heard their voices, I cried a little bit because I felt like I was home, that I felt around that it was a place that really cared about me and my health and that they wanted to keep me here as long as I can be here, uh, in a healthy, enjoyable life state. And that’s my testimony. You’re wonderful. Thank you.
Ocyris D.
Kim R.
Another amazing client success story! Today, over 50 million Americans report having trouble with their sleep, which is such an essential part of healing! At Ensele our providers have been able to help so many of our clients sleep better and improve energy within just a few sessions.
Kim R.
Ralph S.
Ralph V.
Natalie M.
Max T.
Jesse F.
Client Jesse gives his testimonial in sign language as he finds relief from anxiety, depression, lack of sleep and more. We are offering all natural treatments that are non-invasive and without medication. There are alternatives outside of #medication and surgeries. Set up a free consultation to learn more!
Jesse F.
Dr. Ruperto P.
Dr. Pam S.
Tressa C.
The Foundation for Natural Healing is looking for. sponsor for Tressa to receive natural healing services at Ensele in Calabasas. She has cancer and wants to receive services to compliment her traditional treatments. These services include but are not limited to neural optimal brain training, m.o.p.a., reiki energy therapy, light frequency healing, and so much more! It is urgent that we help her and give her the best fighting chance against this disease.
Tressa C.
Ava K.
Gary C.
Ronnie D.
The Foundation for Natural Healing found a sponsor for Ronnie to receive natural healing services at ENSELE in Calabasas. These services included but were not limited to neural optimal brain training, reiki, energy therapy, light frequency healing, and much more! He has been recovering from drug addiction, emotional and mental trauma, and is in the process of rebuilding his life.
Ronnie D.
Jim S.
Marcie S.
Such a phenomenal life transformation testimony from our client, Marcie. We are dedicated to healing through energy, frequency, and holistic modalities. We are ecstatic about these kind words, and the impact that we have the privilege of making!
Marcie S.
Rose T.
My name is Rose. I am 86 years old. Recently I have had a terrible condition developed in my left eye. For the last month and a half I have tried everything but unable to make it better.
I did one visit with Selene and she found out the problem, gave me a treatment, got started and saw immediate improvement. I recommend anyone, who has any problem, to please see Selene, as she knows her stuff
Rose T.
Laura P.
Hi, my name is Laura Perkins. I’ve been sleeping for a while now. And so one day we made a trip over here and her place where she works, and it was very amazing and relaxing, and I was impressed how comforting and how cozy the place was. We really had quite a big party the night before, and we’re really exhausted and tired, and we have a couple hours of sleep. And so Selene suggested to try on us different therapies, like, the brainwave, and she did a couple of other things and we literally fell asleep, I would say maybe for 45 minutes. And Mary kind of, like, delivered on a lot of things. And literally when we got up, I felt like we never did any partying. We felt like, seriously, 100%. I was like, wow. I was really impressed with all the treatments. Then I actually invested my own money, and I bought the brain wave therapy thing. And to be honest, I can use it a lot. I think the whole atmosphere of her facility and rooms and the comfort and soothing, I think that’s what actually a lot makes magic work.
Laura P.
Susan D.
Mary J.
Maj P.
Gracy T.
In 2011 I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer with metastases in the liver and in the end it was a discovery because I had a problem with interstitial cystitis, so a scan was done and cancer was revealed. I started chemotherapy from April until October 2012, and everytime I did Chemotherapy first and then second time and each time by exam was examined, the tumor had grown and in October 2012 I was discharged. From then on, I started using the MMS – Protocol 1000, to the letter, with enemas on the skin, with everything that Angelica told me. That was a year ago , last year 2013 I had a blood test, not a scan, and all the values which were very high and very bad, were now in order. I am aware and pretty sure that I am healthy.
Gracy T.
Martini S.
Esmile J.
So I am in the backyard of ENSELE which is perfectly appropriate because it is so beautiful. Today my brain went totally even, from all kind of orange to completely blue. So I am so grateful to everyone here at ENSELE. I couldn’t be happier about it.
Esmile J.
Sandra H.
Hi everyone. My name is Sandra Hannah and I am a client of ENSELE. I just wanted to give my testimonial for the beautiful healing capabilities that are located in ENSELE and their satellite offices. I first came to ENSELE for a gluten sensitivity as well as a thyroid issue. With their therapies I was able to really help get my energy back and also work on balancing those different areas in my body. I can really feel a shift and a difference. I have a lot more energy. I am able to you know god forbid I get a little gluten in my diet I don’t have such a harsh reaction anymore, as well as the last time I did my blood work for thyroid as well as glucose panels those are definitely more balanced and in alignment for my optimal wellness. So I definitely recommend ENSELE. Have a great healing journey
Sandra H.
Enrique C.
My name is Enrique and on August 31, 2012, I was diagnosed with Stomach cancer and Metastases, diagnosed in the liver, a type of tumor, refered to as asymptomatic gist. They had to operate on me and remove my stomach together with the 1 kg remove severe primary tumor. I still had both the tumors in my liver. 2 months later, I started treatment with outpatient chemotherapy, my tumors had already doubled. Three months after I started this outpatient chemotherapy called Gleevec, I became very anemic and had to take a leave of absence. My life consisted to my living room and bed, nothing else. I had no more strength to walk or anything else. A friend sent me a video of someone named Andreas Kalcker. I saw this video that lasted an hour and a half. I was in the clinic, and the nurse came and said, why don’t you go to sleep? I told her, I am not going to sleep, as long as i finish this video. It was love at first sight. It will get me through, It was a brutal connection. I found out where they sold it here, and I started with CDS, and on the third day, after I had started taking the medicine, something very special happened to me. I started on saturday and tuesday. I was awake as a different person. I had energy and desire to get up. I told myself that I would go for a walk. And from than on, I went for a walk daily. After a month I had gastroscopy and the doctor told me he found no tumors. Could not see them, they were too small, not there. Two months later, an MRI was performed, where the same thing happened, but nothing was found. Than I started the maintenance treatment. Four months later, I had another examination, another blood test and they were the best of my life. In the MRI absolutely no cancer.
Enrique C.
Young B.
One young gentlemen, about 8 yrs old came to our office with his mother. He was diagnosed with ADHD by his doctors. After 5 sessions, I realised that the is not the actual issue. I needed a special scanner called quantum bio scan. One demo is all it took, for me to purchase the system and have it delivered to me. When I ran the scan on this beautiful 8 yr old child, what I saw was absolutely alarming. The poor boy’s brain was infected with worms. We have alternative and natural remedies to eliminate the parasites in this boy, and I am grateful for that.
It is one of the most incredible experiences in my career, till date.
Young B.
Francis J.
This young little boy was adopted by his parents. They struggled to integrate him with his family. He had a lot of emotional and behavioural issues. He was uncontrollable with his anger and behaviour. The family was about to return him to his foster parents. As they didn’t want to put him on medications and numb him out. When I visited and started treatments, his behaviour started to improve. He stopped the some of the wild behaviour. He responded really really well to the brain optimisation and neurofeedback.
His parents are now going to adopt another child and are so grateful.
Francis J.
Robert C.
This is a story of a young boy who was caught in the middle of his parents nasty divorce. The father got full custody of her son. The son young at the time, his name was Robert. He had severe PTSD, OCD, anxiety and depression. He was on heavy medication.When his father brought him to me, we decided to do brain optimisation on him.
After 10 sessions, young Robert was able to attend school and live a normal life. One night, the child’s mother kidnapped her. Police found the son and was returned to his father. This incident broke the son. The father was forced to put his son to mental institutions. I was doing remote services, working on his brain. Nurses also saw improvements on him and reduced his medications
About 8 months later, a young boy came up to my office. He said he was Robert. He got out of mental institution. He came to visit Me, all by his own in cab. Because we are non profit, I worked on him for free. He was than able to finish school and live a normal life
He is a perfect example of: Where there is a will, there is a way
Robert C.
Gina T.
This is a story of a older women. Her family came to me (Selene). They wanted to fly me to her. When I arrived, she was pretty much dropped out on medications. I talked to the family. They said that the goal would be that I could make her capable to go to the washroom herself, so that they can take her home. I talked to the doctors and got her removed from 15 medications.
We began the Brian optimisation treatments. We would assist her to stand up. She quickly regained strength. She started to remember how to do things. We guided her to get out of wheelchair and it was beautiful. Quickly she was able to go to the restroom on her own. She was beyond joy.
Gina T.
Stefeny S.
This is a story of a mother who had a stroke and she was paralysed and her family was told that she was brain dead. After treatment from Selene, her brain started to respond and gradually recovered. She was released from the hospital in a couple of weeks, and was able to live for another 2 years. This is a great example of how anything is possible
Stefeny S.
Dean W.
Hi, my name is Dean. I am a veteran, participating here at the ENSELE reboot camp. Before I came to this program I was suffering from pretty chromic pain, fatigue, PTSD, anxiety. Just in the last few months I have felt difference in how I deal with stress. I feel less depressed now. I take less meds. Hopefully I can continue working on these things. I feel thankful to ENSELE. Thanks to Carol, Johny, SELENE and everyone here who has helped me so much.
Dean W.
Brayn D.
Christopher S.
I had issues at stomach and all is gone away after brain wave optimisation sessions at ENSELE. I feel 1000% times more relaxed, more energy. I feel much lighter. It’s amazing. Thank you ENSELE. It’s great.
Christopher S.
Sherry B.
I am one of those people that had vaccine injury. About a year and half ago, I got one shot of vaccine. I was told it will help me prevent Covid. After I got the shot I had to stay longer as my heart started beating heavily. 2 days later I was standing in my kitchen, all of the sudden it started rotating. My body started to tremble. That night I couldn’t sleep as my body was trembling so much. I went to doctor and told him my symptoms and he said its just temporary side effects of vaccine and it will go away. It didn’t go away. I went to neurologist and he said it will go away in few months. After 3 months, I went to see him and he said it is skin sensitivity and he said it was from the vaccine which will go away in short period. Again after 3 months I went to another neurologist and he said I had tremor. I have never have it. I said no to medicines.
I saw a GroupOn for Reiki. It was from ENSELE, 10 mins from my house. When I called, owner SELENE answered the call and she said “We have something better that can help you.”
I came in. I had an entire body scan. I went for the first brain optimisation. I went home and 99% of my trembling had stoped. I signed up for package for the 5 brain optimisation and it has been life changing. I am also going to refer my family members also. They also work remotely which is awesome.
I am a walking a talking miracle. Definitely you should check it out if you have any health concerns. This is the place you should be going to.
Sherry B.
Oleg C.
Sergio M.
Hi. My name is Sergio. I am a first responder in local communities. Over a 20 yr period I built a lot of stress that affects your sleeping pattern, creates anxiety, ability to focus and affects your professional as well as personal life. I had the opportunity to use some of the services that ENSELE provides. I saw immediate results. I was able to sleep better, focus and when I was not working I was able to shut down my mind and be less anxious. I am very grateful that I found a wonderful center like ENSELE where I had positive effects in my life.
Sergio M.
Oleg C.
Hi my name is Oleg. I have been going to ENSELE for 3 months. I had seizure and I didn’t feel good and now I feel better and here I am. My speech and memory has improved a lot. I would recommend ENSELE to everyone who has a problem with speech and memory.
Oleg C.
Tracy B.
Hello my name is Tracy and I am such a fan of ENSELE. I came here 2 months ago and I was running out of solutions. I was referred to ENSELE from a friend of mine. I am very happy to have found it. It’s very different from formal treatment but it is working from me. So I am very happy.
My holistic doctor told me he was working on solution using different process. When I came here and took my tests I knew what pathogens where in my body and where they were. My doctor is also becoming a fan of ENSELE and he is also sending his clients here.
These last 2 months, here, I took alternative therapies, brain balancing treatments and many more treatments. All of this is relaxing and brining down my stress level also. These sessions has really improved me. From level 1 to 10 (10 being bad), I am at 2 – so very near to being completely healed.
Tracy B.
Vicky J.
Hi. My name is Vicky and I came to ENSELE healing center this morning as I had severe cramps from having my period and also back pain. Selene put patch therapy on me. There are 3 patches. Within 30 minutes I am relieved and happy and my pain is gone. I feel fabulous. One thing that is super important to me is that these patches are non invasive and all natural and they work. So if you have any kind of pain, you should definitely come to ENSELE and give them a try.
Vicky J.
Sharma M.
This lady was a very really amazing client. She had Parkinson’s to the degree that she was bed ridden, couldn’t talk, drive or do anything. She was very very depressed and lonely. This is a video of her regaining her strength. She began to walk, she can drive and she is out of depression. Her traumas has subsided immensely. She is doing great.
Sharma M.
Timi T.
Hi, I just want to share with you this really exciting experience. My dad has Parkinsons. It is so hard to watch MR incredible not be able to move, talk or even put on his shoes. Yesterday I did this whole frequency healing. Today I called my Mon to wish them happy 55th Anniversary. My Mom said that your Dad got up, took a shower and put on his own clothes and shoes this morning. I thank GOD so much. It is so awesome.
Timi T.
Craig G.
One of the things that is so amazing about ENSELE is the love and the healing energy that is here and everyone involved. My name is Craig and I am so thankful that I found ENSELE because I was diagnosed with Parkinsons a couple of years ago, and there is whole lot of progression. Last year something happened and I got anxiety and I would called eye opening and not fun, as many of you would know
A friend of mine told me about ENSELE. Selene, who runs this place, is so fantastic. All the people here at ENSELE are so great. It feels like a family.
I am going thru lot of different treatments here. It helps. Depression has lessened. Anxiety has lessened as well. My shoulder is healing well. ENSELE has helped provide me different tools, lights and therapies. It has truly been fantastic
Craig G.
Marcie S.
I just want speak about how grateful I am to ENSELE. I have a really complex history, been in therapy for decades. I have been hit by so many symptoms that were OCD related. It hit me so hard that I took a medical leave from work for 4-5 months. Recently I was in hospital and was given medications. Once I got out of hospital, I really knew that I need to be off the meds, back to work , heal and feel better. I found naturopath and homeopath but it didn’t help much. Then I found ENSELE. It immediately felt like the right thing. I have been here for a few weeks and the changes are drammatically postive. I am back to work. I am feeling so much better every single day. My brain is feeling so much balanced now. I am socialising and connecting with people. I can’t speak much about ENSELE in terms of what it is giving me. It is working so good for me. I feel grateful.
Marcie S.
Riah P.
My name is Riah. I came to ENSELE to get treated for “Trigeminal Neuralgia”, which is a nerve condition, on the side of my face. When I came in morning, I can’t talk, can’t eat or drink water. I got Energy healing. As you can see, now I can talk, I have been drinking my Starbucks and I am just amazed at the work that ENSELE did. I am very emotional because I haven’t felt so good since so long. I am so grateful to have this experience, and be free from everything. My birthday was yesterday and I feel like this was a birthday gift from GOD. Thank you.
Riah P.
Zarah R.
Hi, my name is Zarah. I came to ENSELE for basically overall wellness, help myself concentrate more, I haven been lacking in motivation. I started my treatment this week. I did the Lens. After my first session, I got spark of energy. I am very excited to see what else it’s going to do for my overall well being. I am going to keep everyone updated.
Zarah R.
Shelby H.
Hey Guys. My name is Shelby. I guess we can start with 3 years ago, when I got pregnant. I had a beautiful little boy. As soon as I had him, I went too sick, for solid 3 months. Finally I got diagnosed with Lupus. I have been just kind of been medicated. I couldn’t do things like I used to do. I decided to come to ENSELE. ENSELE healed me completely. My pain was gone. I am excited for my son, my mom and my dad. I am active again. I can run. I am excited for my husband, he now has his wife back, the way she was before.
Shelby H.
Chris H.
Vedalina J.
Hi everyone. My name Vedalina. I am a meta therapy specialist at ENSELE with SELENE. I am sending you this video from Puerto Rico. I want to share this experience that I had, as it will be beneficial to all. Back in august everyone in family got covid. I was only 1 who was able to get everyone recover with the therapies we offer at ENSELE. My brother recovered in 24 hours, Dad recovered in 3/4 days. Mom took longer as she had other health issues. I also caught Covid when my Mom sneezed on me. I started feeling tired all the time. On 6th day at night, I felt real bad. On 7th day we went to the hospital. I had to lay on bench waiting for doctors to call my name. I was too tired. Our oxygen levels went as low as 94. They put us in a room. Doctor told dad to go, but my mom and I had to stay. We had pneumonia. I was on oxygen for 8 days. My mom was on oxygen for 18 days. I guess God did everything in a way that it was meant to be. Selene did her thing to ensure we recover well. We have peace of mind.
Vedalina J.
Richard H.
Leili K.
Hi, I am Leili K. I am 22 years old now. When I was 16, I got diagnosed with Uveitis. I did an IV treatment which caused Cataract. I have been seeking holistic and natural medicine for past 2 years. I recently started doing the Light therapy at ENSELE. I am observing improvement daily. I am hoping doing all these holistic treatment will help me with all my disorders.
Leili K.
Steve M.
My name is Steve Michaels. This is 24th Jan. I want to give you little update. I went to ENSELE today. Couple hours of bio charger. I also did the Neuro today. It was all good. I am so glad to have ENSELE for treatment of cancer. I started December. I had these 7 weeks for being cancer free. All other things were just icing on the cake. With that said, everything is great. Feeling really good. I wanted to say thank you to everyone at ENSELE. Selene thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Steve M.
Kim M.
Kim M.
Alex J.
Hello, my name is AJ. I am here at Dubac, at the EL center. I have been doing brain waves for about 3-4 days now. It is really relaxing. I get better sleep. I feel more at rest, more relaxed. Every time I am done with brain waves, It’s like waking up in a new world, mind is relaxed, body is fresh with new thoughts. I will be back for more updates
Alex J.
Jule S.
This is Jule, the college instructor. I am coming to ENSELE for over a month. Receiving my treatment. I have actually seen the change and wellness in terms of overall energy coming back, I use my brain a lot. I am returning back to activities that I used to do before, including my teaching, as I now have my energy back. I might not been able to do it back then, as didn’t have that much energy. My body is healing, clearly something is changing. I taught for 5 days straight. Once again I want to thank Gena from ENSELE, who has been helping me. Thank you. Namaste.
Jule S.
Marisa L.
Aguilar S.
I can personally vouch that this works! You healed my grandmother and grandfather within 3 days. 85 year old woman taking pills for the past two years causing inflammation through out her body, couldn’t walk or get up from the sofa. Within 3 days she was walking 1 mile without a problem. My grandfather experienced pain throughout his body every morning for years. He no longer feels pain. They broke out of their tradition to seek an alternative and now they want to open a center like ENSELE at their branch in El Salvador.
In my grandparents words, “If you keep healing your grandmother, I may never retire”. Going aside, he is grateful to you. Selene, you made them a believer and I’m forever grateful.
Cheers to healing more people!
Aguilar S.
Casey F.
Casey F.
Terrence McGrath
I am shocked!.. The experts say this is not possible! I have being using the patches about 35 days and I am amazed by the performance. The x39 patch is restoring my feet! I have had progressive neuropathy for over 25 years, to the point where could barely feel my hand touching my skin anywhere forward of my ankle. On the sole of my foot, I could feel nothing a month ago. Today I feel gentle touch up on the base of my toes, with measurable progress every single day for the last two weeks. I am shocked! The new feelings are quite a surprise and delight. Already, the change positively affected how I walk. Th experts said this was not possible. But I am proof! Thank you Ensele!
Terrence McGrath
Karen S.
The daily stresses of life and work don’t seem so overwhelming. I have used the x39 patch for a week and have experienced amazing results! The benefit that excited me most is that my knees aren’t aching from osteoarthritis. This has made it so much easier to exercise because I am not dreading the pain that normally came with it. The other noticeable benefit is the sense of calmness that I have experienced while using this patch. The daily stresses of life and work don’t seem so overwhelming. My sleep pattern has also improved. Normally I am very restless and don’t sleep through the night but I am happy to say this has improved dramatically.
Karen S.
Vet S.
I was diagnosed with MS after being released serving in the Iraq war. Being in a wheelchair has been hard for a young active woman such as myself. I was eager to try a natural way of healing. Selene told me how my arms and legs would jolt during sessions, which was completely unknown to me at this time. But sure enough, I surprised her by parking my wheelchair at the door on the fourth day and walking again for the first time in six months!
Vet S.
Keith T.
My name is Keith. I am a very prominent public figure and I was having an onset of MS Parkinson’s. I was fortunate enough to undergo a government study for dealing with Parkinson’s and MS a few years later, as my condition was getting worse. I was to the point I needed a wheelchair to get around, and what was worse, the funding for research was stopped. I felt helpless and angry. I couldn’t let my family down. I needed to get better. I was tired of the medications and how they made me feel. With great determination I continued to research and ask anyone and everyone who knew something that could slow this disease down or stop it all together. I tried everything I could get my hands on. I know where there is a will there is a way. Just as it felt there was no hope, finally my prayers were answered. Months later, we were introduced to Selene from ENSELE and she was able to take me in within a couple of weeks. She made no promises but now it has been 4 years and my my doctors don’t understand how my condition has greatly subsided to the point I don’t really feel they can continue to diagnose me as many of the symptoms I dealt with have passed. I can walk with confidence that I won’t fall, my brain helped heal my body to the point nobody but my close friends and family and co-workers know that what I had was a thing of the past. Thank you for your continued support Selene and your staff at ENSELE.
Keith T.
Henry G.
Mom was diagnosed with MS Parkinson’s Disease last January. Our family was crushed to hear the news about mom’s deteriorating condition. Although she lived a healthy, happy life, this is not how we wanted to see her live out her final years. We heard about Selene through another connection who reported back great improvement after their condition of Lyme. So our family was willing to give it a try. It was gradual, but steady improvement, months became years. ie Mom was able to reduce medications and regain her memory and abilities to function without assistance. These were obviously the results from Brain Optimization that it works! Thank you for such amazing support along the way to our mom’s recovery. You truly care and we feel your commitment to her health.
Henry G.
Jill K.
I have suffered with headache for almost 30 years and insomnia for at least 10 years. For my insomnia, I have tried sleeping pills to cover the counter supplements such as melatonin, valerian root, tryptophan, and 5-HTP . Although some of these helped me fall asleep I would wake up after only 2 or 3 hours of sleep and was not able to go back to sleep.
I started to visit ENSELE a while ago and the brain optimisation sessions, at ENSELE, have eliminated my constant headache and I am finally sleeping through the night. I was skeptical if this would really help because I have seen several doctors and specialists for my headache and all the prescriptions and techniques they have tried for me have not worked. I am now sleeping through the night, have more energy, am more focused, and am enjoying my life.
Jill K.
Ivy K.
Larry G.
“My name is Larry of California and as a 31 year old male, professional athlete, I used drugs for 9 years. I tried everything, including blood transfers and other advanced methods. After 4 rehab clinics and trying everything, my good friend found Selene. I was desperate, but there was no way I would stop using. Selene assured me the pain I was numbing would heal on its own and then my need to use would disappear. She asked me to just follow the plan of 7 sessions (2 per day for 4 days) month after month till my craving to use stopped. We began the process on December and by April 1st, I was done. No desire to use, totally a natural decision. I called her up and said, ok now what? She said, ok now change your habits. That was three years ago, clean and sober, my professional career back on track. I owe my life.”
Larry G.
Wilma S.
“My name is Wilma S. I am a woman living in Oklahoma. I suffered from a stroke at 80 years old, just before my 81st birthday. The doctors told me I was left with no small or long term memory, no ability to speak, stay awake, stand, walk. My husband and son searched and prayed for answers. They heard about a woman named Selene, with a place called ENSELE. They flew her out to work on me and at the time I was totally unconscious. After 1 week of sessions, I regained both small and long term memory, fully able to speak, stay awake, and permanently removed 12 meds to 1 and began to stand and walk again. I am proud to say I am still alive to write this testimony of my experience”
Wilma S.
Jim C.
Nikki E.
I am deeply filled with gratitude. Selene has completely changed my daughters life. I am a believer. My daughter was diagnosed originally with ADHD a year ago, medication made her feel like she was going crazy. Her behavior and physical appearance was changing. She became extremely depressed. Olivia became so depressed. In her words “I do not know how to live in this life.” She was admitted to Ucla Resnick center, diagnosed with Biploar 2. They put her on stabilizer and antidepressant medications along with therapy. She was getting better but still having emotional issue and I am not talking normal teenage behavior. I was beginning to think this is how her life was going to be. My little girl was going to be filled with life of anger and mania.
Then I found Selene . After speaking with Selene, doing my research, I took Olivia to see her. I am so grateful. After 1 session, Olivia was calmer. After her 3rd session, the transformation with her thoughts had begun. I saw her coming back. I cannot explain. It just works. My daughter is hugging me again. It might not sound like a big deal but for me a mother that at one point thought if this is the way her life is going to be. I understood her thoughts of not knowing how to live in this life. It’s huge. A hug from her, calling me mommy means LIFE. Thanks to Selene. It really, really works. I promise I honestly never write reviews maybe 1 or 2 but this is way too important not to share.
My daughter wants to live. She is thinking about the future. It has helped with her depression & anxiety that medication alone could not do. Believe me, she had been on 6 different meds. We are down to 2. I put my mom instinct on contrary to people’s opinions. No one knows what you go through unless they have gone through it themselves. There are no words to express my heartfelt gratitude to Selene and Betty her assistant – The A team.
Nikki E.
Lee M.
Fran R.
“My name is Fran R. from California. I am a 24 year old female. I have had digestive issues and heard about a natural way that my own brain can help heal and correct my own ability to digest food. Selene was highly recommended. For the first time, I was able to eat heavy meals anytime of day and have no digestion issues.”
Fran R.
Pretesh S.
Brain optimization was an incredible experience. Just one session made me feel much more centered and at peace. Selene is great to work with, and she makes you feel incredibly comfortable. Even if you feel as if you’re not experiencing any specific issues, it’s a great way to completely balance your mind.
Pretesh S.
Micheal D.
I’ve been to ENSELE a few times now for the morning meditations. It has been very helpful for me as a beginner. The guided meditations leave me feeling clear, open hearted and refreshed every time. I love that they offer this and I highly recommend it. In fact I’ve brought friends and they have thoroughly enjoyed the experience as well. The place itself is clean and is filled with good energy. Selene is incredible and a breath of fresh air. I look forward to trying more of their products in near future.
Micheal D.
Elika S.
I am beyond happy I found this place! Selene and her staff are always so kind and wonderful. I’ve been doing neuro feedback with my 7 year old son and we already feel such a positive difference. Last session she had me try the light therapy and it immediately relaxed me. Selene has been nothing but super accommodating with my crazy schedule as well, which makes it so much easier in our busy schedule. I Highly recommend this place, everyone needs a way to relax the mind and soul.
Elika S.
Bill C.
“Hi, my name is Bill C, from Boston. I am a 41 year old male. I had a severe accident which caused concussions to my head. I was told that the damage was irreparable. I needed my life back as I have 4 kids who need their dad to practice baseball, go camping and other activities. My wife met Selene in NYC and we flew her up for one week and the changes and progress has been profound. I am nearly back to where I was before. My boys got to witness the potential one’s own brain has. Thank you Selene.”
Bill C.
Pam D.
“Due to my stress and traumatic experiences, I was bed ridden for 3 years. I nearly lost my husband due to my inability to interact with him. Desperate, I called Selene. I was fascinated with the stories shared. I flew her out to me in Texas and underwent intensives and monthly wellness sessions. I am forever grateful for my life and being able to experience it with my husband Greg and our new born daughter! Yes, that is right! I got pregnant! My husband saw the sparkle in my eyes and we fell in love all over again. Health is Wealth, without it we have nothing. I was there for too long. But now I celebrate life to its fullest as I had a second chance, a miracle. THANK YOU ENSELE!”
Pam D.
Jake J.
“My name is Jake. I was in the middle of the Vegas Shooting in 2017. I was frozen, without the ability to move despite people dropping like flies around me and running for their lives. For weeks I was unable to close my eyes, sleep, eat or even drink tea. My friends brought me in LA and there I met Selene. I was too traumatized to even think. She hooked me up to these sensors that read the frequencies from my brain, much like a stethascope does your heart. My own brain frequencies were played back to me through headphones. At first I was not able to close my eyes or relax. By the 3rd session I was able to relax and finally I fell asleep. That night for the first time I slept 4.5 hours! The next day I felt so grateful as I pulled my cowboy boots on (something that I considered to be my lucky charm, because I wore those boots that night of the shooting and they saved my life). I look back now and I am in amazement how something so simple can be so profoundly healing. I could have professed to never wear those boots because of not being able to deal with the tragedy that happened. I still remember that horrible night, but I do so without fear and the sadness is different. I can cope with what happened while being fully appreciative of my life. Every day I move forward, out of fear, out of sadness and into fullness of living.”
Jake J.
Karl J.
“My name is Karl J. from New York. I am a 21 year man. I am not sure exactly how this all happened but when I left home, I began to experience severe panic attacks, not able to sleep, or be in public or social circles. My mom recommended ENSELE and she helped me get my life back to normal. It has been 3 years and no panic attack has reoccured.”
Karl J.
Marie G.
“My name is Marie G. and I have suffered all my life with a rare skin condition. It wasn’t until I was recommended to go to ENSELE from my friend who had resolved her scars and toe fungus with the use of light therapy. I was more than happy with the results that I agreed to post my “before and after pictures”!
Marie G.
Patricia S.
“My name is Patricia and I am 46 years old woman from California. I have been dealing with, gosh over 20+ years of pain in neck and spine area. Underwent multiple surgeries, bed ridden and heavy medications. I couldn’t even raise my own babies! 🙁
Selene was recommended to me and although I have tried everything, I was desperate to get my life back. She did 3 intensives, after which I worked with my doctors to reduce, then eliminate my meds. I am able to sleep better, experience far less pain and can live a normal life again!! I placed the Light pads on my upper body and in a few months my idiopathic peripheral neuropathy resolved. I’m playing tennis again!”
Patricia S.
Trish W.
“Doctors could never figure out why I was in so much pain. In fact, so many told me it was in my head. That was so depressing and humiliating. This scan uncovered many things such as virus, bacteria and parasites that were gravely effecting my health. With the natural options recommended by ENSELE, I have already seen my pain and fatigue level drop from a 10 to a 3 within weeks!”
Trish W.
Sarah F.
“I prided my self in good health, but after the scanner, it showed that I was heading towards osteoporosis before I reached 40! The scanner showed me that coffee was detrimental to my bones, as it was pulling too much pottasium. This goes to show that we can do so much to prevent a bigger risk, unexpectedly down the road.” My scans are already showing my bone health is 84% improved!
Sarah F.
CeeCee S.
“My daughter brought me in for this scan and she thought that I might have pneumonia. The scanner was showing I was having congestive heart failure and the providers at ENSELE told me to go immediately to the emergency room. The doctors said that had I not gone, I would have likely not made it another 2 hours. I am truly grateful as this saved my life!”
CeeCee S.
Jill S.
Joana W.
“My son was on his way to being a recognized architect. I had no idea that concussive blows to his head at a young age was the probable cause of sudden death from a brain aneurysm at 34 years of age. My wife and I feel foolish to have not seen the long term risks our son was bearing. My elder son, also played football, suffered from many issues such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, lack of motivation even before our youngest past, and luckily we were able resolve that with the brain optimization and light therapy provided by ENSELE. It is never too late, just don’t wait.”
Joana W.
Parish T.
After being diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 42 and undergoing radiation treatments, I experienced a devastating change in my overall health and have been suffering with depression, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia for the last 17 years. During this time, I have been to countless doctors, both medical and alternative and tried numerous modalities in an effort to regain my health. To be completely honest, I didn’t expect this therapy to be any more successful than anything else. I have tried over the years, truly believing I was beyond help. After an unsuccessful attempt at drug therapy for my pain and depression, my chiropractor suggested Brainwave technology to me and I was very blessed to find a provider close to my home. Getting in touch with Selene was very easy and at my first appointment, I was so relieved that there was very little paperwork or need to ‘tell my story’. The sessions were very calming and meditative and Selene provides just the right amount of support, sensitivity and compassion. I must also mention that she is very punctual. Anyone that spends time in the medical merry go round knows how unusual this is. And now for the really amazing part… I decided to jump in with both feet and do 7 sessions in 4 days. The day after my last session, I received some devastating family news. In the midst of utter confusion, sadness and fear, I remained very cantered and was able to be supportive without feeling secretly out of control, my son even coCancermmented on how grounded I was. After a week of intense stress, I was beginning to feel a little vulnerable, so I saw Selene for a tune up and was immediately back on track feeling focused and positive. Wow!! I am amazed and so thankful!
Parish T.
Leroy M.
“I have to admit the scanner was a bit intimidating to me as my organs flashed up on the screen indicating their state of health. My doctors diagnosed me with stage 4 prostate cancer and with the natural recommendations by ENSELE, my cancer is now considered stage 2. I have been able to avoid surgery and the dreaded chemo therapy. I have a way to go but honestly, I am glad I am taking this path to greater health and seeing progress every week with new scans.”
Leroy M.
Gary P.
“My son is 16 years old. We live in California and it seemed that every year my son’s anger would increase to the point that we had counselling, then added medication, then dealt with issues at school. We were truly at a loss as those things seemed to lessen my sons anger but never resolve it. He felt many side effects from the meds and I wasn’t sure what to do. It wasn’t but week later we attended ENSELE brain seminar. My husband and I were amazed to hear and learn about the brains ability to heal on its own. Jake is off all medications now. He is more balanced. He is also more integrated with our family and his friends. His teachers have seen improvements in his grades and attitude as well. Thank you ton! Hugs to ENSELE and family. God Bless!”
Gary P.
Mike J.
Maria K.
“Our son is 9 years old. We are Maria and Tom K. From birth, our son Mitch never spoke a word. We taught him sign language but he could never speak even after countless hours with a speech therapist. Selene came highly recommended and we were never going give up on him.
After 5 sessions with Selene, our son won’t stop talking now. We were laughing and crying for joy. To hear his voice and words come out of his mouth at 4 years old was nothing short of a miracle. Thank you our dear Ensele!!”
Maria K.
Jon G.
“My Name is Jon from Malibu, CA. What an experience! I finished my treatment a week ago with Selene and I can’t believe how much better I feel. My whole body feels better. I feel lighter, calm, more spacious, both mentally and physically. The best part of the treatment is that you just lay back and sleep. I have referred many people who I think could benefit from this treatment.”
Jon G.
Sheila T.
What an experience! I finished my treatment a week ago with Selene and I can’t believe how much better I feel. My whole body feels better. I feel lighter, calm more spacious both mentally and physically. The best part of the treatment is that you just lay back and sleep. I have referred many people who I think could benefit from this treatment.
Sheila T.
Ian C.
“It seems almost impossible to explain the immediate transformation in my life. In less than ten months, my wife had left with severe depression and never looked back, my 12 year daughter was cutting and was hospitalized multiple times, my 16 year old daughter was suffering from panic attacks, and I was not only suffering from daily anxiety and depression, but also suffering from constant pain due to tendonitis in my elbow. I was attending therapy and yoga every week and basically trying whatever I could to feel better. The changes I was able to make were minimal. No matter what I tried I could not get a hold of my emotions and every day I felt like I was stuck in a place that I couldn’t get out of no matter what I tried. On top of that I work as a child abuse investigator and not working wasn’t an option. After months of trying to get myself to attend a meditation class, I decided to contact the instructor, Selene, to see if she could provide me with a private meditation class hoping this would help me balance and control my emotions. Selene contacted me the same day and suggested I come to her office and she would introduce me to Brainwave Optimization. I saw her that afternoon and she provided me with a session after explaining to me how the brain works and how the brain can get stuck in a moment after trauma. Selene didn’t need to hear my story, but would listen to anything I felt I needed to discuss. After leaving her office the first day, I immediately felt as if I had climbed a mountain. My head and body was experiencing change that was invigorating. Two days later I took my 12 year old daughter to see Selene and she had one session of Brainwave Optimization. She has not cut herself since then and her mood has improved greatly. I attended four more sessions and the relief I have experienced, I can only explain by saying it feels like a miracle. My anxiety and depression feels about 95% better and after crying almost every day for ten months, I have not even felt a tiny tear come my way. I feel as if my brain is no longer stuck and released all this tension and emotion that for some reason I could not access myself. Selene was not only skilled at her profession, but clearly cares about her clients and made such an amazing effort to help me feel better. Please seek her assistance if you are in crisis. Thank You Selene for saving my life.”
Ian C.
Nancy W.
“My name is Nancy W. I am from California. I am a 35 year old female. I have been suicidal all my life. I witnessed my parents death and I was lost. I wanted to die so I began cutting myself, followed by multiple suicide attempts. I don’t remember even how I heard of Selene but remember she was so very sweet. She didn’t promise me a thing other than to show up for my sessions. After 10 sessions I no longer felt the need to be on medications or felt I was a danger to myself. I am living a life so free of my past. You truly changed my life.”